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New Year’s in the “Big Apple” might seem hectic and crazy but in reality the endless amount of employees and businesses ease the experience to suit each and every customer. New York City’s population is getting close to 9 million and with the extra couple of thousand people visiting for the holidays, it gets hard for them. Many of the restaurants in New York during the celebration stage their specials as the newcomers taste the different culture and the hotel staff keeps everything in top shape, but it’s better to book your stay early in advance so you will secure a place to stay as room and board begin to fill up.
No matter where you travel, transportation is key to making your stay as smooth as possible. If there is any city that accommodates those needs the best, it would definitely be New York City. Everywhere you turn there is a taxi, with the press of a button you can get an Uber, and with the swipe of a card you can be on a subway. During the busy time of New Year’s Eve, when staying in New York city, you won’t waste any time during the last hours of your year waiting or transportation. There is no need to fret as the leaders of the major celebration place hundreds of security guards on the streets so that every guest is well protected.
Waiting for that clock to hit the 10 second mark can get a bit overwhelming, but New York has that problem covered. New York is well known for having such a variety of performances and events on the last night of December leading a perfect way into the new year with entertainment and a fun-filled show. One of the most well known broadcast shows would be Fox’s “New Year’s Eve With Steve Harvey.” On a more musical standpoint Univision’s New Year’s stream included Rapper “Pitbull” perform from Miami live to New York. Both of these Events received so much positive feedback last year.
But if you’re not a fan of neither those things you could skip all of that and go on Freeform to watch a marathon of the critically acclaimed franchise”Harry Potter” until that final countdown. With all of that being said, whether you decide to stay in New York City or watch on any form of live stream, the large city’s main goal is to end your year with a bang!