Sr. Beta Induction: The Importance of a Smile

Shelby Bourquin

Mrs. Richards (sponsor) introducing her co-sponsor and the office holders.

Diana Ashley, Staff Writer

“We are Betas, the second letter of the Greek Alphabet, because we put other first through service”. The night began with a motivational speech by our national and state president, Drake Toll. He is a senior at Vilonia High School, and he made a special appearance at Conway’s Sr. Beta Induction Ceremony on October 15, 2018. He shared with us the importance of sharing a smile. A smile on a bad day means the whole difference in making it a good one. He told us how you should not look down on someone because they are different. You should celebrate the differences of others and look past them in order to find common ground. Just because people might not perform at the same athletic, academic, or mental level as you, does not mean that you get to boast of your alleged “supremacy” by making others feel inferior. Drake Toll continued to describe what it means to be a Beta, and the standard in which Sr. Beta members are held. Sr. Beta runs because of the member’s and the sponsor’s embracement of its four pillars: academic achievement, character, leadership, and community service. The motto is: Let Us Lead By Serving Others. The night was concluded by a formal candlelight ceremony led by our very own Sr. Beta officers and sponsors;

Mrs. Richards: sponsor

Mr. Collum: co-sponsor

Diana Ashley: President

Lynn Duncan: Vice President of first lunch

Katybeth Coleman: Vice President of second lunch

Alan Rathmann: Treasurer

Lauralee Masterton: Secretary

Emily Holman: Community service chair

Nabiha Khetani: Random Acts of Kindness Chair

Kate Freyaldenhoven: Convention Chair

Each member of the officer team lit a different candle, each signifying something special and signifying their dedication to the club. New members were given a certificate of membership and member number, as well as a beta pin. The night ended with a photoshoot where members were encouraged to take pictures with Drake Toll and their fellow Beta friends.