Kappa League Creates Brotherhood of Excellence
November 2, 2018
Conway High School has a group of young males involved in a youth organization called Kappa League. The group consists of a minimum of eleven boys, determined to hold themselves accountable regardless of the circumstances. It is all about development and the ambitions to accomplish the goal of excellence which is “brotherhood”. Kappa League has grown over the past year. They hold fundraisers with their mentors from the Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Frat. Inc. They are based on giving back to the community, showing leadership skills and presenting young men growing and building with excellence. The boys will even perform for the students at Conway High for special events or play.
“The Kappas,” which is what they are known as, meet twice a month, practice strolling and stepping, and have social events to hang out at least twice a week. “It was something new and fun with a lot of benefits and it helps prepare us for adulthood” Senior, Kyan Scruggs said, “and I would recommend boys to join and get a better take on life.” Each individual involved in the Kappa League group is unique in their own way, all bringing something new to the table.
The relationships between the boys have grown through team building exercises. “I would say it is a fun experience having brothers I can rely on for things. Being in the bond and bonding with them is always the best part” Scruggs said.