The Perks of College and University Visits
March 1, 2019
Being a junior or senior in high school comes with responsibilities and duties. As you come of age, you must think of your future. Giving one of the responsibilities is filling out applications for colleges and universities; and scheduling tours to visit.
One of the perks of visiting a college or university is they give you booklets with all of the information on their campus, which is filled with an introduction of the school, scholarship deadlines, where to go online if you have not applied, degree listings, honors, and even information about the residence: halls, sororities, and fraternities. First, comes a historical presentation of the school and getting to know the instructors and how they can help answer the many questions you have for them. After a minimum of 25 minutes the video is over and it’s time to start walking. Climbing up stairs, crossing student walkway paths, and passing students who have been there for almost 4 years, gives you the thought that you will soon be the person walking into a building named the Department of Mathematics because you want to become a Numerical Analyst.
Schools walk you to every inch of their campus leaving you to decide if they’re the one for you. The tour guides tell you about all the positive things that go on such as the huge events where every student comes out to celebrate something big that happens almost every week to showing you important sculptures that helped shape the school to what it is today. From school colors, mascots, traditions, and most importantly education, it is hard to choose between schools that have many different opportunities and aspects that you find beneficial or interesting. Last, once you have finished touring the entire school facility sometimes they ask your group questions of what you have learned throughout the tour; if you get the answer right, you get a souvenir: something you keep in reminder of a person, place, or event.