Getting to Know Ms. Hibbard

May 17, 2019
At Conway Junior High School there are many interesting teachers who teach different subjects. There are math, english, science, histories, and elective teachers. The foreign language teachers are especially fun, since the teaching methods they employ are often in another language. Amongst the foreign language teachers is an amazing teacher. Her name is Martha Hibbard. She is very active in her teaching career. She enjoys boxing, challenging herself, and living freely.
Hibbard has made a hobby of boxing at least once a week. She says, “boxing soothes my soul. I get to get out every bit of anger I’ve built up over the day or the week and go pound it out on a bag. It honestly is great therapy!” She’s been boxing for a year now. Lately with all the busyness of school it’s been difficult for her to get to the boxing gym, but once summer hits she will be able to go 2-3 times a week. Hibbard trains with Rodney Gillespie. He was a boxer in his earlier years and is very knowledgeable about boxing. She says, “His workouts are hardcore and very good for you. Be prepared to sweat! I can fight if I want to when I’m in my best shape, but I’m not sure I want to. I would fight people who are younger than me in better shape, and people who are in my weight bracket.”
Hibbard is a woman who is not afraid to take challenges. She is currently redoing her National Board Certification. She didn’t pass last school year, so she’s trying again this year. She says, “Sometimes in life you don’t succeed the first time. It’s okay! You get back up, dust yourself off, and go again. I wasn’t happy that I didn’t pass the first time, but what I have learned thru the process this year has been invaluable to me. This process has made me a better teacher. I know my students well and I will do anything to help them achieve!” She will submit her work on May the fifteenth. “I will feel a ton lighter after that day!”, Hibbard says, “It has been overwhelming at times and has taken up a lot of my time inside and outside class! I’m ready to be finished!” She’ll find out in late November if she passed. There is a big test in June for one of the components. If she passes she will be certified to teach anywhere in the nation. She says, “Every state has their own tests for teachers to take. If I receive my certification, I won’t have to take any tests. I will also receive a monetary incentive for five years if I pass. After the five years, I will to recertify again and repeat the process if I choose.”
Hibbard is like a bird constantly migrating. She has been to seven different countries: France, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. She will be taking a trip to Peru next year with students from CJHS. Hibbard has a pet pot bellied pig named Pumpkin. She is all black and about the size of a dog. She has a few fat rolls. She absolutely loves her. Pumpkin loves to eat cheerios and grapes in addition to her normal diet. Hibbard has two boys, Ethan and Jacob. she says “I am getting married on May 25th! I am very excited! God has graced me with an amazing man who I like to call my most perfect imperfection! No one is perfect. Life is about working out differences and learning how to show love to one another daily.” She will be getting two bonus daughters, two hamsters, nine chickens, and a golden labradoodle named Rosco. Hibbard is very active at her church and she is looking to partner with SCORE International to do more mission trips to the Dominican Republic.
At Conway Junior High School there are many interesting teachers who teach different subjects. The foreign language teachers are especially fun, since the teaching methods they employ are often in another language. Amongst the foreign language teachers is an amazing teacher; she enjoys boxing, challenging herself, and living freely. Her name is Martha Hibbard.