EYE Club Begins Meeting
October 4, 2019
E.Y.E. Club, which stands for Excel Youth Exceeding, is sponsored by Choosing to Excel and meets regularly on CHS campus.
E.Y.E Club focuses on providing optimal health for youth in the community. Their meetings take place every Thursday during 1st and 2nd lunch. The 1st lunch location is in room 266 and during 2nd lunch in Coach Hughes room located in the old gym.
“People should join E.Y.E club because we talk about real life situations. Things like the consequences of teen pregnancy, marriage and life after high school,” Leadership Team Member Indyana Tolefreee said. “I was interested in joining because I didn’t have anyone to tell me all the important things I need to know about figuring out my future, and being in E.Y.E Club helps with that.”