Why Every Student Should Join FCA

Fellowship of Christian Athletes is the most inclusive club on campus and has zero requirements of those that attend. Students are invited to weekly meeting in the lecture hall during both lunches.
November 5, 2019
Many clubs at Conway High School are selective based on academics, interests, and qualifications. Some require a sign-up, dues, and/or a certain grade point average to remain in the club. However, Fellowship of Christian Athletes is the most inclusive club on campus and has zero requirements of those that attend. Many believe the myth that Fellowship of Christian Athletes is only selective to athletes at our school. Although, you don’t have to be an athlete with the school or even an athlete at all to be involved in the club.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is very diverse, from the different backgrounds people come from, to their personal testimonies, to the different denominations they practice, and, for some, the sport that they play. Nearly every week during lunch, the Lecture Hall is filled because the attendance rate is so high. It has been very popular at Conway High School over the years, and it hopes to continue growing as the years go on.
The weekly meetings include a prayer from a student, an introduction, and one or more guest speakers. These people are often Conway High School students and administrators, or former members of FCA. It is a very open and real setting as people share their personal testimonies and how the Lord has helped them through life’s struggles.
Personally, FCA has helped me in so many ways. FCA is the most encouraging and life-giving club I’ve ever been a part of. It has given me a community of people to surround myself and has allowed me to make new friendships. It’s been really awesome to be a part of such an involved group in our school. Every Wednesday, I walk out of lunch feeling challenged and encouraged in my faith. The atmosphere that it creates is so welcoming and every week is something new and unique.