They Get it From Their Mommas
Senior Football, Mothers Impress Again With Traditional HoCo Routine
Senior football players perform a choreographed dance with help from their mothers at the Homecoming Pep-Rally October 25. The dance has become a favorite CHS Homecoming tradition.
November 5, 2019
Senior football players and their mothers participated in a dance during the Homecoming pep rally held on the morning of Friday, October 25. Portions of the dance featured the moms, their sons, and both groups together. They danced to a compilation of popular songs, beginning with We Will Rock You, and including songs like Lip Gloss, Git Up, the Purge, and Level Up. The dance finished with the “I Believe” cheer as everyone was gathered in the center of the arena.
Senior mom Tiffeny Crow is credited for leading and choreographing the dance. In order to prepare, they practiced over the course of 6 weeks on Saturdays and Sundays. Organizing the dance took a lot of cooperation and practice, but a successful performance made it all worthwhile. The senior mom dance has become an annual tradition, which began 3 years ago with the class of 2017. The ultimate goal is to bring a fun aspect to the Senior’s last Conway High School Homecoming pep rally while also honoring Senior football players and their moms. It also recognizes the special bond that the boys have with both their mothers and their teammates.
When asked about the dance from a spectator’s perspective, Senior Carlee Beene said,”I was at the very first practice to see all the moms worried about what people would think or if the boys would like it. Throughout the practices they slowly became more and more comfortable with it and had fun. At the pep rally you could tell the moms and the boys were totally in their elements. They had a fun time together and definitely put on a show.” The football players involved in the dance had their own thoughts as well. Senior Wyatt Toal said,”It was very fun to practice and perform in front of the school. I liked how everyone enjoyed watching it.” In addition, Senior Creed Beene said,”Overall, I thought the dance was great because we got to make everyone smile. My favorite part was how everyone was dancing with their moms as if the whole school wasn’t watching.”