Boys Track Team Looks Toward Season

Brady Myers, Staff Writer

After a 2nd place finish is conference last year, Conway is looking to show that they can do better this 2020 year. They will start practicing next week. 

The teams sprinters Coach Clardy will have back this year are Jacoby Easley (11), Jerome Johnson (11), Bryce Bohanon (11), Tommy Grady (12), and Ricky Robertson (11) are all coming back who ran last year.  

For distance Coach Kennedy will have back Ethan Kailey (11), Ian Bush (11), Brady Pascoe (12), Gunter Campbell (11), and Cade Swindle (11). 

For Coach Rodgers shot and discus guys he’ll have back Korlin McKinney (12) and Zaul Vences (12). 

They’ll also get there other field guys back like, high jumper Micah Mosby (11), long jumper Jarrius Holmes (11), and pole vaulter Tannar Moix (12). 

Conway is hoping to bounce back from their 2nd place season in conference.