Scheduling Night Feb. 4th For Upcoming VIRTUAL Seniors

Audrey Walthall, Staff writer

   There will be a scheduling night on February 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the Conway High School cafeteria for juniors/rising seniors. This night is only for students who are currently virtual. Schedules for the students’ 2021-2022 school year will be completed during this meeting. 


     It’s a little unreal to me that my graduating class of 2022 is about to lock in their senior schedules. Soon we’ll be taking senior pictures and planning our senior trips. What was once a simple fantasy has suddenly turned into real life- graduation caps, scholarships, college, dorm rooms. We were all once so excited to grow up, now that feeling of excitement is eaten by the unknown experiences that lay ahead.  


     It’s such a scary concept to be out on your own in the world, making every decision for yourself. A life after high school once seemed like such a foreign idea. So while, yes this is scary to think about, it’s also a big accomplishment. A lot of students all over the world never get the chance to fill out their senior schedules due to high dropout rates. I’m proud of the class of 2022. Through trying times, we have persevered. This is one of the last major stops for a successful senior year. Way to go, upcoming seniors!