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Starting Left Bench Podcast

March 18, 2021
Nowadays everyone is looking for the next great thing whether it be a T.V series for people to binge watch, the next album to listen to, and currently, it’s podcasts that are taking over the entertainment business. People listen to podcasts more now than they ever did, as when Covid struck the U.S American’s needed someone else to listen to after they had run through Tiger King, and Outer Banks. I decided that I wanted to hop on this trend, but instead of trying to find the next best one; I decided to start the next best one. Fast forward 4 months, and The Starting Left Bench Podcast was formed, and it has truly been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but worth every minute of it. A buddy Seth Daniel and I wanted to create the next great sports podcast, and thus far after a slow start we have slowly grown it into something where people actually tune in weekly and listen. That to me is the biggest honor that people have actually taken time out of their days to listen to something I help create. You can find The Starting Left Bench podcast on all streaming platforms, and you can also follow us on Instagram @thestartingleftbench be sure to check out for a truly fun sports experience
Jayden Chavira • Apr 1, 2021 at 10:38 am
Very good indeed. like how you put in the fact that they are being listened to more than ever, very true. Only one question though, have you considered to talking a little more than your partner? You are the reason we’re listening, you ARE Starting Left Bench.