Graduation Plans Underway

Audrey Walthall, Staff Writer

Graduation for the Conway High School class of 2021 will be held at the War Memorial Stadium on Saturday, May 22. There will be two senior class meetings to discuss these specifics according to the type of education students are receiving. The meeting for onsite students will take place on Monday, March 29, and for virtual students on Friday, April 2. 

The virtual meetings will correspond with students’ last names. Last names ending in A-L will meet in the CHS Cafeteria from 9:00-10:00 am. Last names ending in M-Z will meet in the CHS Cafeteria from 1:00-2:00pm. 

With the 2020-2021 school year coming to an end, there are many left to be desired for one’s senior year. COVID-19 caused many students to be virtual for the entire year. It also limited every social aspect of the year, including pep-rallies, sports events, concerts, and senior nights. Thankfully, with a possible end to this virus in sight, seniors are at least able to have an in-person graduation.