Rikard Explores Conway High

Audrey Walthall, Staff Writer

  Ella Rikard is a junior at Conway High School. Her hobbies include art, makeup, and spending time with friends and family. She has attended other schools besides Conway but prefers it the most. Rikard is in the school’s art club and the social sorority, Delta Beta Sigma. 

     While doing online school, Rikard also has a part-time job at Stoby’s. She works the carryout window and, at times, builds sandwiches. When asked how this pandemic has affected Rikard’s year personally, she said, “It’s been good and bad. While it’s been hard keeping up close relationships with friends, it has allowed me to gain more independence by being online.” 

     Rikard’s main passion is art. She specifically enjoys drawing portraits of people but can do pretty much anything. She first took an interest in art when she was little because she was around it a lot growing up. She uses a wide variety of tools to perfect her work- chalk pastels, watercolor, charcoal, graphite, the list goes on and on. She’s planning on taking AP Studio next year, where at the end of the year you submit a portfolio of your best work as the AP exam. It’s refreshing to see how passionate Rikard is about art. I have no doubt that she has the potential to grow up to be one of the greats. I plan to see your work in our future art classrooms, Ella!