Seniors Must Pay Fines and Fees to Graduate
April 5, 2021
Seniors that wish to graduate and get their diploma should check the Fines and Fees list that has been posted in the cafeteria and the main building before graduation practice. 2021 seniors must make sure that all fines and fees on this list are taken care of before graduation practice on Friday May 21, 2021. Fines and Fees may include fines and fees regarding unreturned or lost library books or chromebooks, lost or unreturned classroom items, and unpaid cafeteria charges. If a graduating senior doesn’t pay these fines before May 21 then they won’t be able to walk at graduation or get their diploma. All school property such as textbooks and library books should be returned to the school by May 7. Money and school property will not be accepted on graduation day so make sure that all fines, fees and items are turned into the school by their due dates.
Tariya • May 6, 2021 at 12:50 pm
This was very informative even though I am not a Senior. I didn’t know that things like library books and all the other fines and fees listed could stop someone from getting their diploma.