Student Publications Receive Awards at Virtual Convention

Wampus Cat Yearbook rated “Superior,” “All Arkansas”

Staff Collaboration

The Wampus Cat Yearbook and Wampus Cat Student News staffs received a number of awards Monday and Tuesday at the Virtual Spring Convention for the Arkansas Scholastic Press Association. 

Sydney Brooks and Peighton Carson received awards for honorable mention in column writing and superior review writing respectively.  Carson’s review of the file #Alive earned the additional honor of “Best of ASPA.”

The Wampus Cat Yearbook Staff received Honorable Mention honors for  Theme Development (Staff), Environmental Photography (Stephen Tillman), Student Life Copy (Sydney Brooks), Sports Copy (Kennedy Smith/Landon Dunn).

Yearbook Excellent ratings went for Academic Copy (Audrey Rawls), Special Coverage (Stephen Tillman/Sierra Earnest), Academic Layout (Audrey Rawls/Morgan Henry), Ad Layout (Vin Dennis), People Copy (Rayna VanKeuren), Club/Group Copy (Gabe Keymer), Student Life Layout (Sydney Brooks/Audrey Rawls), Sports Layout (Kennedy Smith/Maggie Lyon), Sports Photography(Stephen Tillman).

Superior, the highest rating, was awarded to the staff for Student Life Photography (Stephen Tillman), Theme Photography (Stephen Tillman), People Layout (Sydney Brooks/Vin Dennis/Maggie Lyon), Academic Photography (Haley Studer), Cover Design (Staff).  

Additionally, the Wampus Cat Yearbook earned a Superior Rating and was named “All Arkansas” for General Yearbook Excellence.

The virtual convention was in the place of the traditional two-day event, held each spring to offer student journalists work-shops, opportunity for networking, and recognition.  ASPA was formed in 1929 to recognize the achievements of high school journalists and to promote the field of journalism.