Runners Recognized at Home Game
Coach Kennedy, Charlie Meek, Meg Swindle, and Coach Worlow
October 19, 2021
October 8 before the Wampus Cats hit the field, student athletes Meg Swindle and Charlie Meek received a box of cookies provided by Julie’s Sweet Shop for being the Sweet Athletes Of The Week, both students have put in multiple hours running cross country. “It felt good because all of my work that I put in was finally shown, ” said Swindle.
”My accomplishments were recognized by others and that was satisfying,” replied Meek when asked how it felt for all of their hours put in to be highlighted.
Swindle and Meek both started running in elementary school when they joined the running club. When asked why they joined, they each said “It looked interesting” and they wanted to “try a new thing.” Their work has just started though, as cross country wraps up and the 2022 track season is growing closer. Both stars have set personal goals.
Swindle says her goal is to “Win conference” while Charlie’s goal is “ to place top 8 in the 2 mile race at state.” The challenges are there but it won’t be easy as Meg stated that “ It takes a toll on your mental health as you are constantly doing the same runs over and over.” Charlie says he doesn’t like having to do 800s at practice either, but in the end it’s all worth it.