CJHS has Basketball Madness

Pierson Wekkin

CJHS girls scrimmage Thursday at Basketball Madness.

Pierson Wekkin, Staff Writer

Thursday at Buzz Bolding Arena all of the Conway Junior High School basketball teams, and some middle school teams played for a fundraiser called Basketball Madness. This event directly raised a lot of money for all of the teams that attended Basketball Madness for their upcoming season. It also provided a fun scrimmage for players, and gave them an opportunity to get adjusted to playing at a new level. 

This event revealed how hard all of the teams have been practicing for this upcoming basketball season. These fun little scrimmages showed both strengths and flaws for CJHS Basketball teams.  All of these teams played very well and put on great performances for all of the fans of their respective teams. Coach Moon, the white side basketball coach said, “Basketball Madness was like Slim Chickens’s mac and cheese It was good, filling, and left me wanting more.” 

This fun scrimmage turned out very successful with a lot of fans, parents, and more attending these games. All of the CJHS teams look forward to their first game of their seasons.