Lockhart Provides Leadership

Ellie Matthews, Staff Writer

Every team needs a leader, and for the Conway Wampus Cats basketball team that is senior guard Dwayne Lockhart. Every good leader has been taught how to lead, for Lockhart that was a former Wampus Cat. ‘’A person that taught me a lot, Caleb London, he goes to A State now. I played with him my sophomore year. He taught him how to be a leader and how to lead the team.” Lockhart helps lead his team during practices and games.”  Traland McClure said “He has taught me how to lead on defense.” Another teammate, Troy Wiseman said,  “Dwyane has taught me how to be a good teammate and how to put the team before yourself.” 

Every team needs a leader, and for the Conway Wampus Cats basketball team that is senior guard Dwayne Lockhart. Every good leader has been taught how to lead, for Lockhart that was a former Wampus Cat. ‘’A person that taught me a lot, Caleb London, he goes to A State now. I played with him my sophomore year. He taught him how to be a leader and how to lead the team.” Dwayne helps lead his team during practices and games. Traland McClure said “He has taught me how to lead on defense.” Another teammate, Troy Wiseman said “Dwyane has taught me how to be a good teammate and how to put the team before yourself.”

Dwayne has played for the Cats for four years. He has learned a lot and put that back into his team overtime. In Lockhart’s sophomore year he was led by Caleb London. London said “Ahh Dwayne “Lil D” is my guy. When I was a senior I knew that the young guys needed some guidance because when I was a sophomore I needed some. Dwayne always was and still is ready to work hard. He would ask questions, get in the gym on his own, and never backed down from a challenge even as a sophomore. As a teammate he’s always been phenomenal. Whether that was picking one of his teammates up when they were down or being ready when his number was called Lil D never wavered. Overall my guy Dwayne is relentless and that is why he has been leading the wampus cats the last two years despite the toughness that the 6a conference has with every team. He’s gonna be special and I love that dude!”

Lockhart has set a goal for himself for this season, “I want to finish my senior year with a high average and reach my 500 point goal for high school points. I would like to go to college either a D1 or D2 and play basketball next season, and go to school next fall.” Lockhart is at 435 points currently.