First Orchestra, Choir, Band Integrated Concert in 2 years

Landon Rowe, Staff Writer

Tuesday, February 1, CHS Choir joined the CHS orchestra and band on stage of the James Clark Auditorium. 

Mr. Buck the Orchestra teacher at Conway High School invited the Cameratas Choir, and selected band members to sing and play with them on stage in the middle of their concert last night. Mr. Huskey, worked hard to teach his choir the music for the concert, and was presented with several challenges along the way. Not only was he teaching competition pieces, he also had to work around school being shut down for 7 days, and several members of the choir being out due to covid. Cameratas soprano 1 Ava Weeks stated, “It was super fun and an amazing experience getting to sing with the orchestra.” Choir director, Mr. Huskey stated, “They did an exceptional job. I am very proud of them.”

Due to covid the Orchestra, Band, and Choir have not been able to have an integrated concert like this in nearly 2 years. For the directors and students involved it was an amazing experience.