Julia Lee Moore Students get Surprise as High School Theater Students Read to Them

photo by Bella Canon

Cayden Grinder, Staff Writer

On Friday March 11, theater and stagecraft students rode a bus down to Julia Lee Moore to read to Kindergarten to 2nd grade students. Anthony Spiridigliozzi, the theater and stagecraft teacher said “It’s beneficial to both theater students and the kids because it helps the students to use their vocal skills to create characters and it helps the kids to have an older person in their lives read to them.” Reading to the kids allowed the students a chance to broaden their acting skills and an opportunity to connect with the younger kids of our community. Ainsley Epps, a junior and whose mother works at Julia Lee Moore, said, ¨I really enjoyed getting to read to the kids and I had been looking forward to it. Even though some of the kids just sat there and stared at you, it was still enjoyable!¨