Caring Cats Spread Christmas Joy

Megan Lovett, Editor

As December has crept upon us, so have the festivities that come along with the cheerful season. Conway High School has things going left and right to keep the christmas spirit high. Caring Cats is sponsoring a unique program that caters to the needs of our very own peers. The program is called Angel Paws, and the way it works is a student at Conway High School fills out an “Angel Paw Application,” and they receive 4 gifts: 2 things they want, and 2 things they need. Between the days of November 28-December 2, you can go down to Mrs.Bells in room 258 to pick out a paw, and also enjoy some tasty hot chocolate. The program also includes a fun spirit week. “The thing I like most about the angel paw program is the ability to give others the chance to be able to open a gift for Christmas when their family or them might not have that ability for themselves,” said Mary Reese Rollans, a junior at CHS and an active Caring Cats member.