Owen Starnes: A Conway High Musician

Owen Starnes holding up his, “I am magical” cup.

Megan Lovett, Editor/Staff Writer

Conway Arkansas is known for its support of the arts, especially music. Conway High School has a multitude of musical programs, one of them being Band. Owen Starnes, a senior at CHS is a percussionist for the band. Not only does he play for the band, but he also practices music outside of school in many ways. Owen says he plays, “the drums, all the percussion instruments, I kind of play piano, but not really. I can work around a guitar and bass. My favorite to play is probably the drums.” 


Owens parents were the reason for his interest in music, and his biggest musical influence is Tenacious D. Starnes has a band named “Argwiothipitation”, where he often features different people. “My brother and I, it was Thanksgiving, and I was like, “Man I never get to record my drums.” so then I went home after Thanksgiving and I recorded drums and he played guitar.” Originally the pair started on sound cloud and soon moved to Spotify. “I don’t know how people feel about our music. Some people think it sucks. Some people kind of like it. It’s a way to be goofy and make music. There is no purpose behind it.” 


Owen plans to pursue music as a career and go to college for music education. Watch out for new ARG music that’s coming soon!