Red Dead Redemption 2, Final Fantasy 14, Overwatch, and Dead of Night are among the favorites in Daisy Ruiz’s list of games she plays. Daisy has and has had a love for gaming since her middle school days. She first got into gaming when her older brother introduced her to them, and since then she’s played video games every free moment she’s had. When asked what game she would keep if she had to get rid of all but one, Daisy answered Final Fantasy 14. When asked why, she said it was because she spent a lot of money on it. Ruiz responded with the same game when asked what game she would live in if she had to choose. “It just looks peaceful and calming- just the atmosphere of the game,“ is Daisy’s reasoning of why she would want to live in the world of Final Fantasy. When she can, Daisy logs on to play with her online friends and friends from school. Everyone has their own way of connecting with others, and Daisy’s way is gaming.
Daisy’s Time on Hydaelyn
Daisy Ruiz’s favorite game
Tania, Islas
September 28, 2023
Photograph of Daisy Ruiz