When you think of nurses, what do you think of? A patient, understanding, and selfless person that’s ready to help? Those are some of the most desirable traits of a nurse, and those traits perfectly describe Jasmine Lasker.
Her comforting disposition was once suffocated. She used to have an entanglement with anger issues. Due to this, she would often express actions that spread negative feelings such as hate for no good reason. She made it her mission to find inner peace that would help her anger issues cease.
She found peace with the Lord, and joy in helping others. Normally, you when you think of someone finding peace, you think of them doing self care activities that only benefit themselves, such as reading, shopping, or going to the gym, but Jazz knew deep down that she was a selfless individual that would only be fulfilled by making someone else’s day.
Jazz stated, “When I see someone sitting by themselves, I always ask if they are okay because I can see myself in them.” On the first day of school, I was sitting by myself in the corner while Jazz was sitting in the other corner on the other side of the room. When Jazz made eye contact with me, she mouthed “Do you want me to come sit with you?” I had never met Jazz before journalism class, but she immediately treated me like a long time friend.
Jasmine’s dream job is a registered nurse. Her love for helping others along with her friendly, caring, patient, and selfless nature makes her dream indubitably achievable.