CHS begins to prepare for Homecoming

CHS begins to prepare for Homecoming

Jacob Horn, Jacob Jones, Maddie Watkins, Gabe Keymer, Journalism I Students

Conway High Students voted for Homecoming Court on September 17th and 18th. Students voted online in class for ladies from each grade who represent Conway High School well. There were 24 females elected for the court: 9 seniors, 8 juniors, and 7 sophomores. October 25 the student body will get to see the ladies they voted for in full splendor during the pep rally.

When asked about the assembly Mrs. Wilson said, “On Friday the day begins with the annual homecoming assembly.” The day ends with the homecoming football game against Little Rock Central and then the Homecoming dance to cap the night off. 

Events that occur during Homecoming week include spirit week, a week long event where students are encouraged to wear different outfits everyday that corresponds to a theme.