Conway Bowling Spares Other Teams , Rolls out Success


Pierson Wekkin

So far, the Varsity Bowling Boys are 4-2, and they are on a roll, and all signs seem to display no signs of stopping for the Bowling teams at high school.


When we inquired Mr. Noah Spiridoglozzi(10th) Grade about the formatting of the high school bowling matches. He told us that a combination of 6 players plays a game twice with the score and that; there are two baker matches played with five people. Players also alternate between every frame. For example, one person would bowl the 1st and 6th frames; the next player would bowl the 2nd and 7th frames. Noah also describes his strengths and adds in misconceptions about the bowling teams, “I feel that my strength is that I can be very consistent every frame, which brings a lot of relief for my team, and most people think that bowling would be devoid of energy, but it isn’t, and all of us are like a little family.”

Isabella Johnson also is a sophomore on the Varsity Bowling team. Some of Isabella’s strengths are hitting strikes and spares. Another misconception about the bowling teams is that the bowling teams don’t do anything, but the reality is they have two weekly performances. 


Upcoming for the High School bowling teams will be a state tournament in 2 weeks, which they are looking forward to.