CHS hosts Orchestra Banquet

Anana Griffin

Zoe Travis, and Sam Smith pose for a photo together after the Banquet.

Kali Cresswell and Megan Lovett

On Friday, May 19, 2023, the Conway High School Orchestra held the “Orchestra Dessert/Awards Banquet.” The banquet started at 7:00 pm and featured not only the collective orchestra, but also a quartet featuring Samuel Smith(cello), Jessica Mcghee(viola), Evangeline Montgomery(2nd violin), and Elena Moreno Suarez (1st violin). The quartet played a piece called “Dvoraks Quartet no.12 Finale”  “The most memorable moment was seeing all of the pictures from the spring trip on a slideshow that played on a loop for the second half of the event. We also got to see older photos of the seniors which were pretty funny.” said Zoe Travis, a current Junior in the CHS orchestra.