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The Voice of Conway High School

Wampus Cat Student News

The Voice of Conway High School

Wampus Cat Student News

The Voice of Conway High School

Wampus Cat Student News

Hannah Taylor

Hannah Taylor, Staff Writer

Senior Hannah Taylor is on the Varsity Tennis Team at Conway High School and is in Student Council, Caring Cats, and the Forensics Team. Taylor loves to travel, go shopping, and hanging out and making funny videos with her friends. She spends most of her time either on the tennis courts, hitting with her best friends, or going out to get coffee, talking, or listening to music. She has always loved to read and write about other people, so taking journalism and writing for the school paper was a fun outlet to channel this side of me’. She aspires to be a news anchor, or work with television broadcasting, so writing these news stories is really helping her. 

All content by Hannah Taylor
Hannah Taylor, 12, stands in front of the August Wilson Theater in New York City on October 19, 2018, right before the broadway performance of Mean Girls.

The Meanest Musical On Broadway

Hannah Taylor, Staff Writer
November 14, 2018
Senior Kate Ferguson returns the ball in a match against Fayetteville early in the season.  The Wampus Cat Tennis team was successful in their conference matches this month.

Conway Tennis Takes on Conference

Hannah Taylor, Staff Writer
October 18, 2018
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