Conway High Suceeds at Band and Orchestra All-State Auditions

photo from CHS social media

Owen Starnes, Staff Writer

On Friday and Saturday, February 10th and 11th, 2023, Conway High School students participated in All-State jazz (Friday), All-State band, and All-State orchestra (both on Saturday). Two students from Conway High School earned spots in the jazz band (not counting alternates). These two students were Octavio Menon, who placed 2nd band, 1st chair, and Alex D’agostino, who placed 2nd band, 4th chair. At All-State band, over fifteen students placed, the highest being Jackson Starnes who placed 2nd chair in the Wind Symphony (the top band). Nine students from the Conway High orchestra placed in the All-State orchestra.

On Friday, jazz tryouts started at 5:00 pm and lasted until the last audition, which was later at night. On Saturday, students arrived for band and orchestra tryouts at 11:00 am, and the day lasted until the last audition, which was scheduled for 8:45 pm. The jazz tryouts were held at Conway High School, and the band and orchestra tryouts were held at UCA. For jazz tryouts, Conway band parents provided concessions. For band and orchestra tryouts, students had the option to eat at the student center.

The All-State clinics and concerts will be held in Hot Springs, Arkansas, for choir, band, orchestra, and jazz band from Thursday to Saturday, February 16-18, 2023.